Here are some chronological pictures of that event.
About 60 volunteers gathered in the International Terminal (T2) at 8.00 am for a briefing. We were given visitor Aviation Security Identification Cards (ASIC) before being divided into two groups, "passengers" and "meeters/greeters". This was done randomly and I was fortunate enough to be a "passenger". We were all given a card which states our fake "name" and role.
Once done with the safely and operational briefing, officials escorted us airside, past security to loading dock 1, where a bus was waiting to transport us to the mock-up aircraft at the end of Runway 27.
The aircraft was a scrap Fokker-28 and here are a few interior shots:

Once everyone was seated, smoke began to fill the cabin through vents on the side of the fuselage. Apparently the plane has "crash landed" and is now "on fire"

A few people started coughing and sneezing and it took only 30 seconds for the first emergency vehicles to respond to this "accident"

The aircraft was evacuated as four foam tenders from the ARFF (Aviation Rescue and Firefighting) services based in MEL sprayed foam down both sides of the aircraft.

It took another 5 minutes before local fire trucks from surrounding areas of Melbourne Airport started rolling into the accident scene.

This massive train of fire trucks was truly a sight to behold.

Firefighters then guided us across the field to the command post where paramedics assessed our condition and check for any injuries. Some of us were "injured" and needed treatment before being taken to hospital. The others were put on a bus to be transported back to the terminal. In the bus, Police officers gathered information from passengers to find out their name and age.
I took the opportunity to snap some photographs on the trip to the terminal. Sorry for the quality guys, used my mobile as cameras were not allowed and the slight drizzle which dirtied the windows of the bus did not help as well.

Qantas Terminal (T1)

International Terminal (T2)
When the exercise was underway, one particular aircraft arrived from LAX...

Nancy-Bird Walton (VH-OQA), Qantas' first A380 just arrived from her long trip back from Los Angeles. The bus stopped right in front of her and we were patted down by security before being allowed into the terminal. The first people who greeted us were AQIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services) personnel and the first thing they asked were "Sir, have you been to Africa or South America in the past 6 weeks" and "Do you have any plants or seeds on you". I was thinking, the last thing someone who just survived an air crash wants was to go through Australia's strict quarantine regulations. Details about passengers were then taken down by customs personnel and then we were made to wait in this holding lounge while the match details with our "meeters/greeters".

After about 45 minutes, my "given name" was called and I was told that my greeter was found and I was escorted to the departure lounge of Gate 9 to meet my greeter. Gate 9 was also the only A380-capable gate at Melbourne Airport. This enabled me to grab these shots:

After the "meet-up", we were then taken to loading dock 1 to board the bus again, this time for a special tour of Melbourne Airport's airside.

QF Boeing 747-300
The tour took us around the airport through all 4 terminals and as we were heading to the MRO section, I spotted this:

9M-MRJ which arrived in the morning waiting to depart as MH148 to KUL. The reason why this aircraft is sitting on the taxiway is because Melbourne Airport is currently undergoing major expansion plans and aircraft have to be towed in and out of certain gates for embarkation and disembarkation. This happened to several other aircraft including:

EK Boeing 777-300

SQ Boeing 747-400
After the tour around the maintenance facilities, which included Virgin Blue's latest asset:
DJ Embraer E-190
we were then taken on a tour on Runway 27.

Entering Runway 27. Ground vehicles have to change radio frequencies to the tower before entering any runway.

YMML Runway 27

Piano keys

We then had to stop as we approached the intersection with Runway 16.

Jetstar A320 with Go Roo's livery landed right in front of our noses.

After exiting the runway, we were taken back to the terminal for a debrief and that marked the end of this very interesting experience.
Thanks for reading!
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